SLOIMBA Executive Board Positions
The San Luis Obispo Instrumental Music Boosters Association (SLOIMBA) is a volunteer non-profit organization solely to benefit the San Luis Obispo High School and Laguna Middle School music programs. The following descriptions are for the executive board positions, which must be filled in order for the organization to continue. Only members who are parents of a currently enrolled student or of alumni are eligible to be elected to the Executive Board.
President: about 4-8 hrs per week
Presides at all meetings of SLO-IMBA and the Executive Board. Appoints all chairpersons and special committees, subject to approval of the Executive Board, and be a member ex- officio of all committees. Acts as liaison between the Instrumental Music Director and SLO- IMBA. Co-signs checks with the Treasurer and/or the Vice-President of Operations, after verifying that all payments are authorized expenditures. Chairs the Budget Committee.
Vice-President of Operations: about 4-6 hrs per week during marching season
Assists the President as directed. Assumes all duties of the President in his/her absence.
In absence of the President, shall co-sign checks with the Treasurer. Responsible for the organization and transportation of equipment to performance sites, and maintenance of the equipment. Oversee and coordinate the duties of such committees as Field Equipment.
Vice-President of Fundraising: about 4-8 hrs per week
Assists the President as directed. Assumes all duties of the President in his/her absence. In absence of the President, shall co-sign checks with the Treasurer. Responsible for all fundraising activities in which SLO-IMBA engages and appoint a Chairperson for each fundraising event.
Secretary: about 2-4 hrs per week
Take minutes at all SLO-IMBA meetings and provide to the Executive Board at least one week prior to the next scheduled meeting. Be prepared to present and refer to minutes of previous meetings. Make corrections to the official minutes and enter amendments to the Bylaws. Keep current lists of membership and committees, as well as a copy of the Bylaws. Conduct all the necessary correspondence of SLO-IMBA, keeping a file of all communications and flyers.
Treasurer: about 2-4 hrs per week
Responsible for the timely deposit of funds received. Pay all bills authorized for payment by the Executive Board. Keep an accurate accounting record of all receipts and disbursements. Co-sign checks with the President and/or Vice-President. Prepare and present monthly financial statements at every SLO-IMBA meeting and at other times when requested by the Executive Board. Prepare an annual budget with the President and Instrumental Music Director to be approved by the Executive Board at the August Board meeting. Present the approved annual budget to the general membership at September SLO-IMBA meeting.
Advise the Executive Board on all financial matters and comply with government requirements relative to financial reporting and regulatory filings. File all required tax returns and documents.
Committee Chairs and Support Crews
Our SLOIMBA board is hard at work evenings and weekends keeping our students’ band program running but with our huge new student numbers, they cannot do it all. We need your help! Please consider supporting your child’s experience by immediately jumping in to help in one of the “behind the scenes” volunteer positions. Band Alumni or Community Volunteers welcome! Email for more information.
Chairpersons are needed for important standing committees. You’d coordinate the efforts of your members and have a SLOIMBA Board member supporting you.
Uniform Coordinator and support crew: A lead organizer is needed to oversee the organization, fitting schedules, alterations, coordinate dry cleaning, etc for both the Fall marching uniforms and concert season uniforms. This is an especially important role in the Fall and volunteers are always needed in the support crew.
Seasonal Fundraising Event Coordinators: See’s Candy in the spring, Parent Liaisons for student-sponsored fundraisers throughout the year, or even create a new event?
Volunteer Coordinator: Help organize our mighty crew of parent volunteers for events & performances. Help find helpers for committees. A seasoned parent would be ideal, but not necessary.
Grant Writers: volunteers are needed to research and apply for grants to support the enrichment activities not covered by district funding.
If you’re able to help with one of these important positions, please send an email to as soon as possible.
Thank you!